How do I change information in my account, update my subscription or subscribe?
Locate and roll over the profile icon next to your username in the top navigation bar. Clicking on “Settings” in the drop-down menu will take you to your Account Settings page where you may edit your personal information, update your subscription or
What if I encounter billing problems or other issues with my subscription?
If you have issues with your subscription please
contact us and we’ll be glad to help.
Can I change my user name?
This can be done, but it’s something we must do for you. Send us a message from our
contact page with your current user name, the name which you would prefer to have, and the reason why you need to change.
I’m new to the forums, is there a guide to using them?
As a matter of fact there is! All your questions will hopefully be answered in our Guide to getting started on the Pokes Report forums.
Why can’t I read all the forums?
Most of our forums are free to read, except for the Pokes Report Premium Insider Board, which requires a
Premium subscription.
What are the letter symbols which appear next to a poster’s name?
These symbols designate a person’s posting status and are related to the number of posts which they have made on Pokes Report.

Rookie: 0-29 posts

Pro: 30-99 posts

Veteran: 100-99 posts

All Star: 1,000-3,999 posts

Hall of Famer: 4,000-7,999 posts

Pokes Report Legend: 8,000+ posts

symbol is reserved for members of the administrative staff on Pokes Report.
I just registered. Why am I unable to make more than 5 posts?
Rookie level accounts (0-29 posts) are only allowed to start one topic and make five replies during a 24-hour period. Rookies are also restricted from posting photos. Pro level accounts (30-99 posts) are only allowed to start three topics and make ten replies during a 24-hour period. Once an account reaches “Veteran” status (100+ posts), there are no posting restrictions.
Premium subscribers can post immediately and are not affected by any posting limitations.
As a reminder, what are the posting guidelines I agreed to upon registering?
You can read and review our
User Agreement and Privacy Policy any time.