gosh that game was tough to watch.....

glad to see Ka Boone and Bryce Thompson back.... but man are these guys tough to watch.

Bryce looked really good.... everybody else looked like a cardboard placard on a pogostick.

Holy cow.

some guys had their moments... but my goodness.... one thing is we need to stop having Anderson bring the ball up with both Thompson and Ice in the lineup.... I noticed this last game too... but when that happens, Anderson is at the point, Thompson is at the shooting guard position, and Ice is in the freaking corner... like what in the world is Ice going to do from the corner? He can't hit from there. It's a great play, and they dished it to him a few times, but he can't and won't take a shot from there.... so why in the world is he posted up in the corner?

Ice should bring the ball up (or Thompson), and Anderson or Thompson should be posted up in the corner.

my goodness.... this happened multiple times in several games.