Former OSU OL Josh Sills Indicted on Kidnapping and Rape Charges
Former OSU and current Philadelphia Eagles offensive lineman Josh Sills has been indicted by a Guernsey County (Ohio) Common Pleas Court grand jury on one count of kidnapping and one count of rape, both of which are felonies.
According to the indictment from the Attorney General’s Office, “In December 2019, the indictment says, Sills engaged in sexual activity that was not consensual and held a victim against her will. The crime was immediately reported, and the Guernsey County Sheriff’s Office conducted a detailed investigation.
“The case was presented to the grand jury and is being prosecuted by the Special Prosecutions Section of the Attorney General’s Office. Sills was issued a summons to appear in Guernsey County Common Pleas Court at 1 p.m. on Feb. 16.”
In talking to an attorney that is familiar with the case, he told Pokes Report that it was dropped after the initial investigation for lack of evidence. Apparently something new came to light as this time the Guernsey County (Ohio) Common Pleas Court grand jury came down with the indictments.