Those are some great memories to hold dear. I know that the magnitude of the moment was not lost on you, Robert, and I truly hope that if it didn't register immediately with some of the kids, it will be an epiphany at some point in their lives. It is good to hear that GWB had a good time - it gave me a smile to watch him flash the Pistols Fining and how he engaged the fans and players. I appreciate the message he delivered to the players behind the scenes - resilience of not only himself after 9/11 but of Mr. O'Brate. America really is the land of opportunity. Go Pokes!
Oklahoma State Baseball
Behind the Scenes with President Bush at O'Brate Stadium
STILLWATER – Looking back on Thursday night, May 20, 2021 and I really believe it will be a night that I will never forget. I went to the game, first time in a long time, as a fan with my wife. Our seats were down in section 121 where they reserved the area for the O’Brate extended family that was there. We weren’t supposed to be, but we got in and met some of the O’Brate family and made some new friends.
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