Schedule into Full Game Mode as Wednesday is Friday for the Pokes
STILLWATER – The countdown to the season opener for the 2022 Oklahoma State football campaign is now less than 24 hours.

The running digital clock in the Oklahoma State weight room that the players have seen all spring and summer as they worked toward this now says 0 days with the hours less than 24 and the minutes and seconds counting down. They have had the day before call out for all units, offense, defense, and special teams and a walk thru. Dinner in the training room in the West End Zone for the team only is at 5 p.m. Then the team will walk down to The Atherton Hotel in the Oklahoma State Student Union and the best mattresses on the planet.

“I will sleep like a baby tonight,” defensive end Trace Ford told me Wednesday afternoon as he looks forward to getting back on the field for the first time in a game since the win at Baylor in the 2020 COVID season. “I’m excited and ready.”
The team will have free time to watch a movie, play video games, and congregate before the snack at 9 p.m. and then bedcheck is at 10:30 p.m.
Wake up on Thursday with a strange game day with no ESPN Game Day on television. No games on means no football to watch in and out of meetings. Breakfast is at 9:15 a.m. and then the day includes walk thrus for special teams, offense, and defense before chapel at 2:15 p.m. and then Pregame meal at 2:30 p.m.

There are more unit meetings and then a team meeting with head coach Mike Gundy and the Cowboys go on “The Walk” to Boone Pickens Stadium at 3:58 p.m. before arriving at the stadium for warm-ups and kickoff at 6:05 p.m.
The Cowboys will find out the uniform of the day when they walk into the locker room at 4 p.m. and find the helmet, jersey, and pants hanging and folded neatly at their lockers.
Game day routine, It’s awesome.