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Photo by Zach Lancaster
Oklahoma State Football

Mike Gundy Plays True or False with Continued Autopsy of Bedlam

September 20, 2022

STILLWATER – It was after the Cowboys first bye week practice on Tuesday, Sept. 20. The players were wrapping up the two-and-a-half-hour practice with some drills and head coach Mike Gundy was addressing the media, but little did anybody know that Gundy would channel his inner Pat Sajak, Alex Trebek, or Chuck Woolery. Gundy used the fact that Bedlam future was again speculated in a story by Oklahoma State graduate Brett McMurphy in Action Sports. The story caught fire again on social media. This time athletic directors Chad Weiberg of Oklahoma State and Joe Castiglione of Oklahoma were quoted. Must have been a slow news day at Action Sports. In the story Castiglione made it sound like Oklahoma State pulled the plug on Bedlam.

Joe Castiglione of Oklahoma.

“Oklahoma State has shown no interest to schedule any future games in football, so we’re moving on (with filling OU’s future nonconference openings),” Castiglione was quoted in the story.

“You know I wrote some notes up on that,” Gundy said reaching into his pocket for what looked like a Mike Leach play call sheet. “The first thing is we have to quit talking about that. It’s over, right?

Gundy then looked around the mass of media in the corner of the Sherman Smith Training Center and challenged them to listen to his list of fact, and call him on it.

Zachary Lancaster
Gundy just warming up at his press conference.

“I’m going to state facts and at any time if I say something that is not a fact, then you stop me,” Gundy instructed. “You guys can stop me, that’s fair. Isn’t that what we want?”

Then Gundy began to read.

“OU officials were in negotiations with the SEC for months and months before anybody in this conference knew about it,” Gundy read and then looked around. “No objections.”


“During those multi-million-dollar conversations I wonder if Bedlam was ever brought up at that point instead of the money,” Gundy continued.

Again, silence.

“Bedlam is history, we all know that, because OU chose to follow Texas and the money to the SEC. It’s okay,” Gundy continued and looked around again. “Is that a fact?

“So, now we’re having what I think are childish discussions, in my opinion, over something that is over,” Gundy started to wrap up. “I would like to make this the last statement I have (on this) because I have no hard feelings. What’s going on now is kind of what happens with a husband and a wife or a girlfriend and a boyfriend when you know that you’re dead wrong and you try to turn the table and make them think they’re wrong when Oklahoma State has no part in this. We didn’t have anything to do with their negotiations with the SEC. We didn’t have any choice with them leaving the conference, they did. So, everybody needs to get over it and quit trying to turn the tables. It is somewhat comical that they still want to try to bring us into this equation. I want somebody here to give me one example of what Oklahoma State had to do with this?”

Gundy again was met with blank stares and no comment.

“I’m listening and I’m not the head coach. I’m just a guy on the street. I want one person to tell me what myself, Chad Weiberg, or Dr. Shrum or our regents had to do with any of this going on,” Gundy said and then advised OU. “Let’s not turn the tables, let’s just say, ‘hey look we chose to follow Texas and take the money. We’re going to the SEC.’ It’s all good. Let’s quit talking about it and talk football. No hard feelings. I like Joe C. (Castiglione) but it is what it is. We have to quit beating around the bush and call it what it is.”

Pat Kinnison - Chief Photographer
Bedlam comes back only if TV is willing to pay for it.

Gundy delivered all of his presentation with a grin on his face. The kind of grin born of the fact the facts are on your side. He also later told me he was somewhat perturbed the subject keeps coming up. It’s the story that has been told but seems to need to be regurgitated from time to time.

Gundy, as he did a month ago did say that Bedlam could make a reappearance if the television networks want it. “Money, if the networks want Bedlam that is above my pay grade. I will do what the administrators say.”

What he won’t do is admit that Oklahoma State started this or had anything to do with it.

Discussion from...

Mike Gundy Plays True or False with Continued Autopsy of Bedlam

14,313 Views | 62 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by CaliforniaCowboy
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CowboyRed said:

You said most likely. Either way it's hateful so either be hateful and leave others alone about when it they are or don't be hateful.
I clearly said OR.... I said "you make the call".

YOU apparently think that he is the later, which is why you're still posting this crap.


IS HE, OR ISN'T HE? You tell me why you think so.

move on
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Yeah he makes his own rules hahahah
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Which is good, but unlikely to happen until after 2034 or so. So we have a good 12 years to distance ourselves from OU. We can make ourselves into a regular playoff contender while OU is likely to wind up being a team that almost makes it most years (UT won't even be on the radar outside pre-season). IF they are really serious about Bedlam its simply because they think they need to play so, as they assume, they can keep beating us to keep us down. Time off for this series is a great idea. Also keeping it on the table means its another reason for the SEC to give the invite.
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CaliforniaCowboy said:

GumbyFromPokeyLand said:

CowboyRed said:

"we need new administration then..... because they're either lying to us about the B12, or lying to us about the SEC (or Dirato is a clueless fool - most likely) QED". It's not really prudent or tasteful to bash Osu administration and or lifelong osu people like that……

Anyone that disagrees with him will often elicit a response that's either imprudent or distasteful. It's just who he is.
there's my troll, bashing other posters once again.... just like clock work.

oh, whoa is me for not taking your rumor nonsense as gospel, anyone that disagrees with your rumor spreading will elicit a personal attack for not bowing down to the altar of Gumby...

why do you always have to make personal attacks? They are not allowed on the forum.
Two things can happen at once. An organization can have short and long term goals and that doesn't mean they aren't divergent.

Short term OSU is all in on the Big XII as we will be in it for at least 12 years. So we need it to be as strong and make as much money as possible.

To truly increase our revenue if the Big XII doesn't explode and equal the SEC/B1G, then getting in one of those is a long term goal. The SEC being the most likely, it has been reported frequently that OSU leadership is in regular contact with SEC leadership (ie Sankey). We are in the schools that are on their list of candidates, and we are staying engaged.

It's really that simple. Two things very different outcomes, in process at one time.
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NJAggie said:

Two things can happen at once. An organization can have short and long term goals and that doesn't mean they aren't divergent.

Short term OSU is all in on the Big XII as we will be in it for at least 12 years. So we need it to be as strong and make as much money as possible.

To truly increase our revenue if the Big XII doesn't explode and equal the SEC/B1G, then getting in one of those is a long term goal. The SEC being the most likely, it has been reported frequently that OSU leadership is in regular contact with SEC leadership (ie Sankey). We are in the schools that are on their list of candidates, and we are staying engaged.

It's really that simple. Two things very different outcomes, in process at one time.
agreed.... but he did not say "staying engaged", he said AGRESSIVELY PURSUING. (i.e., short term)

ah heck, who knows what that means, he just throws junk and rumor's out, without any thought or definition
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I like Tom dirato and respect his position in the osu family I would NEVER use words like clueless or fool while mentioning him or the administration. You need to learn to be kind to others man.
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You can be aggressive in staying engaged. I think we are.
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CowboyRed said:

I like Tom dirato and respect his position in the osu family I would NEVER use words like clueless or fool while mentioning him or the administration. You need to learn to be kind to others man.
I like Tom Dirato and respect his retired position in the OSU family, that does not me that I cannot say that the likely spoke out of turn, or didn't grasp the implications of what he said. Heck, I don't even know what he said, all we have is Gumby's claim that he said that, and who knows what context.

It hurts me to the bone that you believe that I am not kind to others, you need to learn to be kind to others and stop your attacks on me. Thanks.
Duke Silver
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CaliforniaCowboy said:

CowboyRed said:

I like Tom dirato and respect his position in the osu family I would NEVER use words like clueless or fool while mentioning him or the administration. You need to learn to be kind to others man.
I like Tom Dirato and respect his retired position in the OSU family, that does not me that I cannot say that the likely spoke out of turn, or didn't grasp the implications of what he said. Heck, I don't even know what he said, all we have is Gumby's claim that he said that, and who knows what context.

It hurts me to the bone that you believe that I am not kind to others, you need to learn to be kind to others and stop your attacks on me. Thanks.
So you are on this tangent and don't even know?
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It costs zero dollars to be kind to someone. You should try it with Gumby. Be the bigger man and just be nice to him. Maybe write Tom and tell him how much you appreciate him. You'll feel better too when you act kind to others. Maybe you won't be so wound up and hurtful toward people. Also just remember that attacks are not allowed in the forums so be mindful of that. It's an open space. A safe space. Don't be the guy to ruin it for everyone else or get kicked out. Robert Allen said as long as you don't get stupid he won't delete comments so just be careful
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CaliforniaCowboy said:

CowboyRed said:

I like Tom dirato and respect his position in the osu family I would NEVER use words like clueless or fool while mentioning him or the administration. You need to learn to be kind to others man.
I like Tom Dirato and respect his retired position in the OSU family, that does not me that I cannot say that the likely spoke out of turn, or didn't grasp the implications of what he said. Heck, I don't even know what he said, all we have is Gumby's claim that he said that, and who knows what context.

It hurts me to the bone that you believe that I am not kind to others, you need to learn to be kind to others and stop your attacks on me. Thanks.
Well you should listen to RA's shows and hear Tom. No one is more reserved and circumspect in their statements. He's also not a big fan of realignment. When he says they're being aggressive he knows of what he speaks and says it because of that knowledge: He's not hyping it up.
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NJAggie said:

Well you should listen to RA's shows and hear Tom. No one is more reserved and circumspect in their statements. He's also not a big fan of realignment. When he says they're being aggressive he knows of what he speaks and says it because of that knowledge: He's not hyping it up.
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CowboyRed said:

It costs zero dollars to be kind to someone. You should try it with Gumby. Be the bigger man and just be nice to him. Maybe write Tom and tell him how much you appreciate him. You'll feel better too when you act kind to others. Maybe you won't be so wound up and hurtful toward people. Also just remember that attacks are not allowed in the forums so be mindful of that. It's an open space. A safe space. Don't be the guy to ruin it for everyone else or get kicked out. Robert Allen said as long as you don't get stupid he won't delete comments so just be careful
I have not attacked anybody... YOU claimed that I did, but I clearly said OR, and explained it was intentionally alarmist

I have never been hurtful of others on this forum, and have NEVER been intentionally hurtful of anybody on any forum.

YOUR attacks on me is what will ruin it for others, please consider your comments in proper reflection.
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I've had people private message me to help brainstorm on what can be done about your behavior without getting you in trouble because we want everyone to enjoy this forum but not be under constant scrutiny and attack. You marginalize opinions a lot and are a constant critic I've been told. I said all I could do is talk ti you about it but we all had the impression you would just deny and continue on. It's unfortunate people can't just be on here freely without your badgering
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CowboyRed said:

I've had people private message me to help brainstorm on what can be done about your behavior without getting you in trouble because we want everyone to enjoy this forum but not be under constant scrutiny and attack. You marginalize opinions a lot and are a constant critic I've been told. I said all I could do is talk ti you about it but we all had the impression you would just deny and continue on. It's unfortunate people can't just be on here freely without your badgering
yeah, so what.... I know there are a lot of back biters on the forum.... glad to know that you're one also.

None of what you posted is true, except for the revelation of the back biters club.

I simply post what I'm thinking, and when others post wild unsubstantiated allegations, I sometimes ask them to provide support. That's it.

You could have sent me a private message saying all of that, but no, instead to choose to display it in the public forum as yet another personal attack on me.

BTW - this forum is good and is active BECASUE I am here. Without my input it would be dead's ville around here much of the time.

I realize that you are new to the forum, and I'm so sorry to see you being sucked in by the two trolling back biters.

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Back biters is hateful and it's a personal attack! THATS NOT ALLOWED!
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CowboyRed said:

Back biters is hateful and it's a personal attack! THATS NOT ALLOWED!
do you have a better description for that behavior? I'd gladly change it.

what should I have called it? Concerned Citizens Club, like the liberals name things to hide their intent?

I sent you a PM, so enough with this derailed thread.
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Let's not hide the behavior. Let everyone see.
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CowboyRed said:

Let's not hide the behavior. Let everyone see.
I've hidden nothing, I simply assumed you preferred to speak in private.

I've got nothing to hide, post my private message to you. I said nothing to you in private that I would not say in public, I was simply trying to spare the rest of the forum and move on.

no threads on this forum ever go awry until those 2 individuals (and now you) start making personal attacks.

make no mistake, I'm gonna fight back. I don't like it, and I sincerely wish that behavior would stop so that we could have an even better forum.

You've only been here 2 months friend, I've been here 30 years, I don't need any advice from you about who I am or what I do.

Thanks for you concern about me, all I need to for the personal attacks to stop. Thanks for listening
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You're super aggressive man
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CowboyRed said:

You're super aggressive man
you're still talking about me, instead of talking about our Pokes.

keep trying, you might yet get the hang of the message board stuff.

oh, wait... "aggressive" is a good thing, right? Like "aggressively pursuing" the SEC, right?

go ahead, post that private message... let everybody know what "I'm hiding", and what makes me so aggressive.

and don't forget, you're the one that came after me.
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Easy man I was just letting you know what the masses think I'm just a messenger. All the rest is for the birds man I'm all about the peace. Take it easy
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CowboyRed said:

Easy man I was just letting you know what the masses think I'm just a messenger. All the rest is for the birds man I'm all about the peace. Take it easy
I just told you what the "real masses" think, but you're apparently not interested in facts. the facts are laid out in the PM, go ahead, post it.

you're not "the messenger" your an instigator... face it

if you'll just stop with the attacks, then it all goes away.... simple as that.

an apology would have been nice
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I didn't even read it man. You obviously have some things to work out so go ahead and do that. Have your forum kingdom I was trying to do the right thing is all. If I can help someone in need I'll try my best but some problems are beyond me. Good luck man
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CowboyRed said:

I didn't even read it man. You obviously have some things to work out so go ahead and do that. Have your forum kingdom I was trying to do the right thing is all. If I can help someone in need I'll try my best but some problems are beyond me. Good luck man
You didn't read it, but yet you accused me of hiding things. You tell me all the things others say I'm doing wrong, but you don't look at has misguided their allegations are.

I asked for your help, you don't seem that interested in helping. You can help by stop attacking me with these types of posts? That would help a lot.

Thanks in advance.
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This next week could be fun. The ou fans are losing it between their bizarre fixation on Bedlam and losing this game and finding out their D sucks after bringing in lil'bv to fix it. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to get the legislature to force OSU to play Bedlam.

I always said they spent way more energy on Bedlam football than OSU did, and its starting to show. I think they fear if they can't beat us regularly they are in real trouble.
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NJAggie said:

This next week could be fun. The ou fans are losing it between their bizarre fixation on Bedlam and losing this game and finding out their D sucks after bringing in lil'bv to fix it. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to get the legislature to force OSU to play Bedlam.

I always said they spent way more energy on Bedlam football than OSU did, and its starting to show. I think they fear if they can't beat us regularly they are in real trouble.
I'm feeling really good... My Goon in-laws have been chiding me all season about how their gonna kick our butts, how we don't play anybody, Pine Bluff who?, you haven't won a MNC in your lifetime, etc...

I just kept asking them (especially by brother in law, who has zero affiliation with OU) how THIS YEAR's team was going to do, and all I heard was, "have you seen our recruiting class"? and other crap... even getting text messages Sat about how BU was going to cream us this week......

oddly, I got no more messages later in the day.

I'm letting the burn sink in just a bit longer before I text him the old joke about how many goons it takes to change a light bulb..... Five. One to change the bulb, and 4 to sit around and complain about how bright the old OU bulbs use to be..... HA

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