huh... that's strange

Be Careful About Using Social Media as a Source, Got to Check Things Out
STILLWATER – We get asked often why we post stories on some prospects that Oklahoma State offers and then sometimes ignore or don’t post stories on others that seemingly get offered a scholarship by Oklahoma State. The answer is we have to confirm somehow, some way that an offer has been extended and not just take a social media post as the source. I don’t have to tell you that even some very solid and reliable recruiting media have been fooled by false offers. The term now becoming more popular is “fake” or “fraud” offers. We’re lucky so far we’ve avoided being caught by those.
I’m not saying that we don’t miss an offer from time to time. We do and sometimes it is because we wait or take the extra time to get some confirmation. There was an offer story over the last 24 hours that we followed up and despite the prospect being a solid candidate being recruited by many schools. A social media post listing an offer from Oklahoma State could not be confirmed and we eventually found out there was no offer from Oklahoma State. We were lucky on that one because it came at a position where the Cowboys are extremely organized on what they are looking for and who they are recruiting and having in for visits. Besides, we also knew that OSU had not had a coach at that school in the evaluation period. That is another sure sign.
Check out this story released on Tuesday night, one of our favorites, an oldie and a goody - Finish the Recruiting Class.