yipes!! I thought we would be much, much better at several of those positions than Steel has us rated.... especially QB, but I understand why he rated us low, hell I would have too if I didn't know what I know about changing our offense 4 games in last year to use the TEs more and force the running game.

WR is a bit of surprise, but probably because I'm a big homer and I like our kids.

Our defense has to prove itself IMO, 2nd year in the scheme might help, it seems too usually, but we already bailed on that silly 3-man stuff last year and went back to more of an even front (thankfully). I think we were more successful with the 4-man front.

We should be solid for 8-9 wins, but I'm certainly hoping that we can exceed 10 wins. We should be able too, the offense is way better, IMO (so long as Bowman stays healthy), and the defense should be more experienced... and the schedule seems to be easier.

I too love Phil Steel's publication, although I have not yet purchased a copy.